
Principal's Voice

Sr. Siby P.C


"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think." -Albert Einstein

I feel honoured and privileged to be the Principle of St Anne's Public School, with the motto “Education for Enlightenment “ The visionary management with the strong support of staff ,parents and students focus not only on imparting information to child’s brain ,but cater to the individual needs of students to achieve their full potential .We provide a stimulating safe environment in which all our students can aim success and function effectively in this changing world.

The very competent team at St. Annes Public School which is quite professional and possesses expertise in individual fields strive hard to concentrate on each and every child, monitor and mentor them, appreciate their achievement and encourage them to overcome their shortcomings. All the teachers are given equal opportunities to evolve new ways of teaching, keeping in mind the modules of Bloom’s Taxonomy and National Education Policy 2020. We firmly believe in the dictum of the quote- “Where a Team Works, Dream Works".

For, St. Annes Public School believes that it is only a team with proper vision in mind can achieve the pinnacles of success which every institution reckons and aspires for.


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